Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cybersecurity Education for Autonomous Vehicle Engineers


With autonomous vehicles (AV), to date, no cybersecurity aerospace military education encourages, much less achieves, novice-to-advanced skills when encountering novel, imaginative, or sophisticated, multi-vector attacks that include social engineering as well as physical blending, unstoppable threats that could occur under a time-granular real-time limited latency or denial of service attack mitigations; all this, while considering safely intermingling autonomous vehicles with non-autonomous vehicles. Furthermore, there is no certification program for AV cybersecurity available today. Based on the exception-driven state, defense-in-depth, fail silent, and integrate modularity concepts, we present the development approach and results of the first cybersecurity-dedicated education and experimental testbed-hardware-software platform used by the Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Oceana Virginia campus, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Department of the Navy.



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