Hybrid Intelligent Systems - Integration and Applications: Exploring the integration of multiple AI techniques to develop hybrid intelligent systems for diverse applications


Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Neural Networks


Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) represent a promising approach in artificial intelligence (AI) by combining the strengths of different AI techniques to address complex and dynamic problems. This paper provides an overview of the integration of various AI techniques, such as neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic, and expert systems, to develop HIS. The paper discusses the advantages of HIS over single-method approaches and explores their applications in diverse fields, including healthcare, finance, robotics, and cybersecurity. Furthermore, the paper examines the challenges and future directions in the development and application of HIS.



Tatineni, Sumanth. "Customer Authentication in Mobile Banking-MLOps Practices and AI-Driven Biometric Authentication Systems." Journal of Economics & Management Research. SRC/JESMR-266. DOI: doi. org/10.47363/JESMR/2022 (3) 201 (2022): 2-5.

Shaik, Mahammad, and Ashok Kumar Reddy Sadhu. "Unveiling the Synergistic Potential: Integrating Biometric Authentication with Blockchain Technology for Secure Identity and Access Management Systems." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and Applications 2.1 (2022): 11-34.


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