Blockchain-enabled Supply Chain Security for Autonomous Vehicle Components

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Dr. Paulo Leitão, “Blockchain-enabled Supply Chain Security for Autonomous Vehicle Components”, Journal of Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 71–87, Jun. 2024, Accessed: Oct. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:


With the burgeoning potential of autonomous vehicles, the automotive industry is rapidly being transformed from a human-driven car industry to a driverless one. Though many enabling technologies such as lidar, artificial intelligence, and machine learning contribute to the fast development of autonomous vehicles, security of their components is of utmost significance from technical, social, ethical, and legal perspectives. Security here not only deals with the physical security against unauthorized access, malicious modification, and counterfeit parts, but also assures the data integrity throughout the vehicle life cycle. Data integrity is critical when autonomous vehicles are communicating with other vehicles, passengers, or pedestrians and when they are interacting with the cloud and the backend system.



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