Human Factors in the Design of Cybersecure Autonomous Vehicle Interfaces


The argument developed in this paper is that an understanding of driver experience is central to the development of AV HMIs and should be integral to the design process [1]. We based our analysis partly on van Erp et al.’s (2019) framework but mostly on Khondoker et al.’s (2019) work. They reasoned that the safety benefits for drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and other road users would broadly relate to basic human factors considerations including: vigilance and attention, intention, perception, problem-solving, memory, personality, and emotions. These are the core cognitive competences associated with the concept of “driver experience," which covers physical, social, legal, psychological, and informational factors.emás de profundidad To this we add a focus on the design of the Stars interface and the role of virtual vehicle models on the screen as reifying our purpose. It is evident, from the approach taken, that we also retargeted part of the research structure suggested in the AV HMI design and evaluation automotive design cycle derived from Beatty’s (2004) thinking.



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